Introductions & Stray Thoughts, The Start of a Great Adventure
Introductions & Stray Thoughts, The Start of a Great Adventure

Introductions & Stray Thoughts, The Start of a Great Adventure

One of the first things that people said to me when I told them I was off on the start of a great adventure, was that I should start a blog. Broadly of adventures in India, but likely will include a bit of dramatic heartbreak and some food. Actually, a lot of food. I love food. All of the food.

Hi, I’m Paula. Loud, Enthusiastic, Excitable

This seems an opportune time to introduce myself. I’m Paula. 34 years old. Grew up in a small town (population 3000) in the far south of New Zealand. I have a gruff but wonderful big brother, who is married with two daughters, and houses one of my ex-cats, Miggles. My little brother is a deeply caring, very intelligent know-it-all, who has somehow managed to get married to a lovely woman, and they have two daughters and two mad cats. My brothers live in Dunedin, about two blocks from each other. My little sister is married to a calm, easy-going man and they have a cat together. They live in Christchurch. The parentals still live in my home town- still in the same house I grew up in, where they’ve lived for 36 years.

I’ve travelled not nearly enough. I’m regrettably divorced. I love running. I love theater, both watching and being on stage. I love food. I’ve loved food and cooking since I was very young. My Grandmother was a great cook, and a home economics teacher, and I suspect any talent I’ve inherited came from her. My Mum taught me the basics- my Dad grew all the vegetables we ate- and so the basis for my obsession with food began. I’m excitable, impulsive, and yet sometimes sensibly boring and measured. So, I’m just an average, ordinary person.

The next few weeks will be the boring bit, the start of the great adventure. I have to set up a company and get my visa sorted. I have to rid myself of some possessions and my car. I have to spend hours on the telephone with my insurer, battling for information from disinterested call centre staff. It’s weird, I thought I would be second-guessing myself, feel like I’m leaving my home.

I resigned earlier this week. Of no great surprise to anyone but I’ll admit I enjoyed telling people I’m moving to India. There is always a moment of stunned silence- this was not the expected answer when asked ‘where are you going?’.

My feelings on the impending move swing wildly between terror and excitement. Every time I think about my ex boyfriend my heart plummets, and I’m mostly looking forward to being as far away from him as possible. I’m nervous and excited about the work I’ll be doing, and sad to be leaving the lovely flat I live in, and the friends I love in Christchurch.

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